Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Some thought on the presidential race...

The party of family values:

Fred Thompson: divorced
Rudy Giuliani: divorced, twice
John McCain: divorced
Mitt Romney: married 38 years, and the only Rebuplican candidate still married to his first wife.

"She said, '[Of] four leading Republican candidates for president, only one has one wife -- the Mormon,' " Mitt Romney quoting National Review Washington editor Kate O'Beirne.


Roci said...

While I agree that such things speak to the character of a man, the circumstances of each life and family are unique and should not be judged too quickly.

The really important thing is that marital history is not the signal qualification for high office. If it were, there are certainly more candidates to consider than thompson, romney, Mccain and G-man.

Dirk van Assendelft said...

I suspect that in several cases, infidelity was the cause of the divorce. In the case of the Clintons, it certainly should have been the case for divorce.

Certainly, marital history should not be a litmus test. But it should become one if you ask voters to vote for you based on "family values".

But what I liked best about the post was the joke at the end....