Thursday, January 04, 2007

The 5 Things you never knew about me....

I've seen this several blogs now..WestoSshockoe, Waldo, and Vivian Paige...the 5 things list. So here is mine:

  1. I was a member of the College Republicans and pres of my fraternity while at Washington and Lee University.
  2. I was the first student to get an email at W&L (the year was 1986 and my cousin sent it from Europe. I had no idea what it was). I also graduated with more credits than any other student (171, needed only 121 to graduate). I didn't realize that is was quality, not quantity that mattered with your GPA.
  3. I got 25 speeding tickets in 4 years at W&L. That number was only surpassed by the number of parking tickets. The last 3 times I have been pulled over, I talked my way out of it. It took me a while to figure out what to do....
  4. I wanted to be a pro-soccer player after college while I worked at the Atlanta Zoo as a horticulturalist to make ends dreams ended when a vicious slide tackle tore my lateral collateral ligament and fractured the top of my tibia. This was after I broke my wrist and suffered 3 serious concussions.....
  5. I secretly want to be a sheep farmer. Or run a horse farm. And live in New Zeeland.

Darn, I have to limit that list to 5......

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