Thursday, January 04, 2007

My last comments on Waldogate....

Here are the things that have amused me most about this whole debacle:

  1. 1. The "Stupid justification for lying about who you are" award goes to Spankthatdonkey [STD didn't lie; he just justified GGD lies] . Lying about being an attorney to confuse people from finding out who you really are? Sorry. That is just dumb. Ok, disclaimer. I have no problems with using pseudonyms. But when you LIE about yourself, you lose all credibility when you post. GGB/JM has no justification for lying and deception.
  2. The "Suffering from Hyperbolism award" goes to Waldo himself. The image in question was not pornography. And it was not really that disturbing. If Waldo had just stated the real reason for removing GGD.....most of GGD's posts were a variation of "woof,woof" and added nothing to the debate at hand. While I would not have pulled the blog out of the aggregator, Waldo had every right to. And if he had not, the whole silly mess of GGD/JohnMaxfield ruse would not have been uncovered. So I amend the award with a Kudos asterisks.
  3. The Tartuffery reward does to SWACGirl. She puts the "CENSORSHIP!" label on Waldo, and claims to moderate her blog to prevent foul language. The reality is that SWACGirl only allows comments on her blog that praise her; comments that she does not like never appear.
  4. The Fatuous award goes to all the bloggers (me included) that have spent time reading, writing, and contemplating this circus. It took away much blog space and time when significantly more pressing issues should have been discussed.
  5. "The ugly Bloll" award (A troll who specializes in blogs) goes to GGD. I give him credit for his photoshop abilities. But really, I have seen enough of the "woof, woof" comments and sophomoric writings not to be amused anymore.

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