Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Ten Weeks Later......

So as it turns out, someone did read my blog. Wow. I am floored...he even left a comment! Thanks!

So reality is that I don't have enough time to "blog". I really hate that term, but for the lack of a better one, I will keep using it for now. Ten weeks have passed, and I have posted some stuff on Staunton News Leader, but those posts "expire" I can't link to those posts. In the future, I might copy them here.

One blog I found amusing is Phriendly Jaime ....Thank a Liberal. I do wonder why the word "liberal" has been turned into a four letter word. I suspect many "conservatives" would call me a liberal, when in reality, I want to conserve our environment, conserve the ideals of our constitution, and conserve the principles of "the persuit of happiness" and "Seperation of Church and State". I want to have the government practice the conservative financial discipline of not borrowing money.

To be fair, another blog entry I want to share is from SWACGirl: World Largest Scrapbook

One last note - do NOT expect good grammar nor perfect spelling. My almost straight A's in middle school were tainted by C's in spelling.

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