Thursday, December 21, 2006

A Troubling Story....

NPR had a fantastic feature on Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis. They spent almost a full 30 minutes on this story. What is pretty clear to me is that PGD can be vital tool for couples at risk for horrible genetic birth defects - defects so bad that the child only has days or weeks to live before dying. But to use this tool for sex selection? Or to KNOWINGLY select embryos genetically pre-disposed for deafness? That seems to me to be insanity.

There seem to be two contrasting schools of thought. First, PGD seems to represent the ultimate in reproductive choice. Second, that it is the ultimate form of eugenics, an immoral practice.

I am trying to find ways to better articulate my apprehension and moral outrage against PGD. But all that I am stuck on at the moment is that some things should be left to God or chance. In selecting an embryo solely on the trait that it lacks the gene for colon cancer, are you then rejecting the embryo that has a higher IQ? A more loving person? A gifted artist?

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